October is Breast Cancer Prevention Month. It is every woman’s duty to take care of their health. Here are some…

People have different preferences towards available life options. Same is true for the statement “health is wealth”. What exactly is…

“‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the…

Health literacy can be defined as people’s competencies to access, understand, appraise and apply information to make health decisions in…

According to UN statistics, in mid-2019 the world’s population stood at 7.7 billion. Of these, 703 million (9.1%) were aged…

Value of life is what we all feel like. Good health helps us to achieve a good value of life…

The kata are vital in the development of anyone participating in the martial art of karate. The kata have many…

The cost of health insurance for an average family is enormous but necessary in many cases. Each individual’s needs are…

The term psychological assessment can be defined as the evaluation of an individual by a qualified and skilled psychologist to…

If you’ve never heard of James Donaldson, you should have. Not only is he an NBA All-Star, having played with…