Traditional Marketing Vs Internet Marketing

April 1, 2023 by No Comments

With this fast pace world as we know it to be these days, it would almost be a no brainerd to go the internet way. It seems like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done any more. Then you could also say the same for Traditional Business. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. I want to show you a few of the differences between a Traditional Business and a Internet Marketing Business.

When it comes to showing the products I feel that it is really about what would better suit your life style at the time. Some people have no time what so ever to go out and shop. Some hate to shop online because you can’t feel, smell or see the actual size or color of the product. Lets face it, there are just some products you have to be in the store to buy. You can not smell a candle over the internet or feel a certain kind of material. If they have any questions there is someone right in front of them to answer them. If you were getting something over the internet you would have to either email a question or call and probably sit on hold forever. The person can not see the product you are asking about. So they are limited to what they can tell you about that product.

For the people who do not mind shopping online will ofcourse have the advantage of just scrolling through the product list and with a simple click of a mouse, fill out a little bit of information and puff they are done. Even better, this simple process can be done from the comfort of their own home. This would be beneficial to people with any kind of handicap. Anyone who dos not feel like getting dressed and fixing themselves up. Or maybe it is pouring down rain and they don’t feel like driving in it or getting all wet.

With all the extra taxing going on lately it seems more expensive to pay over the internet. Not only do you have to pay taxes but shipping as well. Usually you have a shipping cost unless the store gives you a break on shipping. That will usually be if you buy a certain dollar amount of their product. which is almost always a very large amount.

Waiting is going to weight wether someone buys over the internet or in a store. When people are buying, unless they really do not need the product right away, they will want to utilize that product as soon as possible. If they could buy it in a store they would just as well run down and get it.

Real quick about promoting. Here are some of the different ways each promotes their products and services.

Traditional Marketing Advertising
. Direct mail
. News paper ads
. Magazine ads
. Print media of any kind
. Radio advertisement
. Television advertisement
. Billboard ads
. Car magnets
. Business cards

Internet Marketing Advertisement
. Pay per Clicks
. Banner ads
. Article writing
. Blogging
. Web sites
. Email marketing
. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc

When it comes to getting your products seen Internet Marketing is the way to go. There is just no doubt about it. The internet can by far reach the most and widest variety of people around the world. Traditional Business gives the public more opportunity to know exactly what they are getting. So I guess it all comes down to what is most important to you.