Kara Vita MLM Review

March 26, 2023 by No Comments

Kara Vita

Kara Vita was founded by Karalyn Schuchert, who serves as the Chairman too. It is a company that manufactures the best possible anti-aging skincare products. These products were formerly created specially for burn injury patients in 1989 and sold through Doctors only. In 2003, the company decided to venture out and reach the masses so that everybody could benefit from the quality products of the company.

The company mentions that their products have an edge over its competitors due to certain reasons. Firstly, the products are created using pharmaceutical grade and bioactive ingredients, which make them absolutely pure. Kara Vita uses a patented technology that penetrates the skincare product into the skin, thus increasing the effectiveness. The products consist of the right concentration which is bound to show good results in around two weeks. There is also active involvement of the Company Founder and Chairman in the product development, packaging and selection process.

The company has become popular for its novel network marketing concept. Anybody is free to join as a Kara Vita Clinical Skin Care Consultant. The compensation plan has three probable income positions- Personal sales, sponsoring others and lastly sales team bonus. Training is given to all the consultants online, live or over the phone; however you wish. This training equips you as a consultant with knowledge that matches your counterparts in Avon or Mary Kay.

Moreover, the Chairman Karalyn Schuchert herself interacts with the consultants and guides them to bloom their business. This is helpful for them as well as the company. The newly joined consultants need to buy the starter kit for $250, whose actual cost comes up to $450. It is said that an average Kara Vita Skin care show earns around $500, which helps a consultant recover her kit costs. The products can be marketed through website sales, sponsoring, beauty parties, skin care clinics and personal skin care advice.

On the whole, this is a great income opportunity for everybody, especially women, as Kara Vita is a greatly encouraging and attentive company. One area which may worry you is the pricing of the products. The price ranges from $12 to $85 for a given product, and seems high for selling sometimes. However, an experienced guide can teach you the various nuances of marketing and increasing sales for your business. Basically, it is important that you yourself are confident about the product quality. You should pay attention on the sales more than its marketing.