Juicer Recipes – Fruit Nutrition and Phytochemical Information List

February 12, 2023 by No Comments

Here is a list of the most commonly used fruits in juicer recipes and their nutritional content. Fruits have a substantial amount of vitamins and minerals which are specified below. I’ve also included the different phytochemicals found in these fruits. Phytochemicals are natural bio-active compounds found in plant foods that have potent properties to protect against disease.


    o    Phytochemicals: Quercetin and Phenolic Compounds.

        Quercetin –  helps reduce allergy based inflammation,  helps protect against cancer and helps the lungs against the harmful effects of pollution and cigarette smoke.

      Phenolic compounds – have anti-cancer properties and can reduce risk of heart disease.

    o    Vitamins – C, K, Niacin, B6, Folate and Pantothenic Acid.

    o    Minerals – Copper, Manganese and Potassium.


    o    Phytochemical: Anthocyanins and Ellagic Acid.

       Anthocyanins – has been shown to have anti-aging effects.

        Ellagic Acid – has anti-cancer properties and the ability to reduce cholesterol.

    o    Vitamins – C, E, K, and Folate.

    o    Minerals – Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium.


    o    Phytochemicals: Anthocyanins and Ellagic Acid.

        Anthocyanins – (see blackberries).

        Ellagic acid – (see blackberries).

    o    Vitamins – C, E, K, Thiamin and Riboflavin.

    o    Minerals – Manganese.

Cantaloupe Melon

    o    Phytochemicals: Beta-Carotene.

        Beta-Carotene,  keeps our mucous membranes intact, reduces risk of heart disease and cancer, improves immune system, helps skin from becoming dry and cracked, reduces aging, and is well known for maintaining healthy eyes.

    o    Vitamins -A, C, Niacin, B6 and Folate.

    o    Minerals – Magnesium, Manganese and Potassium.


    o    Phytochemical: Lycopene, Hespiridin, Tangeritin and Limonene.

       Lycopene (in pink grapefruit), protects against breast, lung, prostate and skin cancer. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease.

        Hespiriden – reduces risk of heart disease.

        Tangeritin – anti-cancer properties and reduces risk of heart disease.

        Limonene – has anti-cancer properties, and the ability to dissolve gallstones.

    o    Vitamins – A, C, Pantothenic Acid and Folate.

    o    Minerals – Potassium.

Honeydew Melon

    o    Phytochemicals: N/A.

    o    Vitamins – C, Thiamin, Niacin, B6, Pantothenic Acid and Folate.

    o    Minerals – Copper and Potassium.


    o    Phytochemicals: Lutein, Anthocyanins and Ellagic Acid.

        Lutein – reduces the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

       Anthocyanins – (see blackberries).

        Ellagic Acid -(see blackberries).

    o    Vitamins – A, C, and E.

    o    Minerals – Copper, Magnesium, Phosphorous and Potassium.

Lemon and Lime

    o    Phytochemicals: Limonene, Hespridin and Tangeritin.

        Limonene -(see grapefruit).

       Hespiriden – (see grapefruit).

       Tangeritin – (see grapefruit).

    o    Vitamins –  C, B6 and Folic Acid.

    o    Minerals – Potassium.


    o    Phytochemicals: Beta-Carotene.

       Beta Carotene – (see cantaloupe melon).

    o    Vitamins – A, C and B vitamins.

    o    Minerals – Magnesium and Potassium.

Peaches and Nectarines

    o    Phytochemicals: Lycopene and Lutein.

        lycopene – (see grapefruit).

        Lutein – (see kiwi). 

    o    Vitamins – A, C and Niacin.

    o    Minerals – Potassium.


    o    Phytochemicals: Hespiridin, Tangeritin and Zeazanthin.

        Hespiriden – (see grapefruit).

        Tangeritin – (see grapefruit).

        Zeazanthin – a study has found that this chemical can lower the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

    o    Vitamins – A, C – Thiamin and Folate.

    o    Minerals – Calcium and Potassium.


    o    Phytochemicals: Beta Carotene (see cantaloupe melon).

    o    Vitamins – A, C, E, K and  Folate.

    o    Minerals – Potassium.


    o    Phytochemicals: Quercetins.

        Quercetins– (see apples).

    o    Vitamins C, K.

    o    Minerals – Copper.


    o    Phytochemicals – N/A.

    o    Vitamins – C, Thiamin and B6.

    o    Minerals – Copper and Manganese.


    o    Phytochemicals: Lutein and Ellagic Acid.

        Lutein – (see kiwi).

        Ellagic Acid – (see blackberries).

    o    Vitamins – C, Riboflavin, Niacin and Folate.

    o    Minerals – Copper, Magnesium, Manganese and Potassium.

Red Grapes

    o    Phytochemical: Reveratrol, Ellagic Acid and Quercetin.

        Resveratrol – thins the blood, so helps reduce blood clotting, has anti-cancer properties, especially for the colon and helps reduce heart disease.

        Ellagic Acid – (see blackberries).

        Quercetin – (see apples).

    o    Vitamin – C, Thiamin and B6.

    o    Minerals – Manganese and Potassium.


    o    Phytochemicals: Anthocyanins and Ellagic Acid.

        Anthocyanins – (see blackberries).

        Ellagic Acid – (see blackberries).

    o    Vitamins – C, K, Riboflavin, B6, Pantothenic acid and Folate.âEUR¨

    o    Minerals – Copper, Iodine, Magnesium, Manganese and Potassium.


    o    Phytochemicals: Lycopene.

      Lycopene – (see grapefruit).

    o    Vitamins – A, C, Thiamin and B6.

    o    Minerals – Magnesium and Potassium.