How to Achieve the Sporty and Classy Look

March 5, 2023 by No Comments

We have to admit that it is not easy to pull off a sporty look. Some people just do not appear athletic enough to project the sporty image. There might be instances, though, that a person just isn’t comfortable wearing formal clothes like tuxedos or suits and so the sporty get-up is what he would prefer.

The image itself plays on the safe side, as what matters in the style is comfort. Being laid back and carefree is clearly the key to dressing up the type. It really does not matter if you have a sports-filled lifestyle; what counts is attitude and wearing “loose” outfits. You can find loose jeans, loose shirts and short pants that will help you carry the image. A lot of well-known brands in the market, like Nike or Reebok, have the sporty line in their catalogue. These brands even launch new collections of the line every now and then. So, who says you can’t look classy and sporty at the same time?

Let’s talk about the shirts. The best ones are those that fit loosely and still look adorable on you. Most college shirts are of this category, and their matching prints and graphics add up to make them look a lot more fun to wear. Along with the shirts usually come the hoodies, sports jackets, and even sweat pants! To add up a little more zest, you can get the perfect pair of sunglasses to go with the total look.

Other items like shoes and closely fitting golf shirts are also helpful. Do not forget that the shoes you wear complete your attire. The best types would be flats, which would give you both comfort and style. Although dressing up sporty does not require too much effort, it does not give you the license to look unruly. Make sure that your shirts and pants are still neat and clean. Iron them out before wearing and try to look and smell good as well. If you need to wear make-up, choose brownish or neutral tones so that it does not over power your face’s natural look. Add a little self-confidence and a fun-filled attitude, and you will be perfect!

A lot of famous personalities go for this type of get up. We often see actors and actresses in Hollywood going out wearing sporty clothing. Some of them even have classy accessories to go with their look. A sporty watch, necklaces, or caps are all but small pieces that give a big impact to the whole package. You can bring about a touch of elegance too by choosing a nice, classy, sporty cufflink. Yes, cufflinks can be sporty too!

There are football cufflinks that are made available in stores and jewelers. These are the ultimate fashion statements for the athletic and football fanatic! With these football cufflinks, it would not be a surprise if football enthusiasts can relate well with you. And who knows, you might start a fad. I say, go for the sporty and classy look!