According to Marilyn Monroe, diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Indeed, for many girls they are the number one choice…

E-commerce has unleashed a revolution and this thriving business is poised for robust growth in the years ahead. With 150…

Let’s face it, it’s not an easy thing to improve your daily eating habits on a consistent basis. This is…

The city of Dunedin is a beautiful place full of opportunities and obtainable lifestyle attractions. The city embodies Victorian and…

Films such as The primitive, Primitive Man, Buffalo Hill were considered suitable while Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, The Isle…

We have seen an enormous growth in the capabilities and opportunities of the online world. The everyday online magazine, blog,…

The concept of the “Great American Novel” is so pervasive that it has become something of a cliché. Burned out…

It is nearly ten years since Al Gore launched his plea to humanity to start thinking green with his Inconvenient…

What is the most beautiful think we possess? It’s life… that needs extra care and love. But, we usually fail…