We all want to look good, feel good, smell good. So, we layer on ourselves, day after day, products designed…

Chemicals in Cosmetics can’t absorb into the Body. Our skin is the largest organ we have and often the most…

Hair has been very important aspect for individual personality and this hair fashion is here to stay. The first signs…

I’m sure you have heard of the “Salon and Spa” by now. Although you might have, you want to be…

One of the oldest system of medicine, Ayurveda has today occupied an important place in beauty care and treatment. Using…

Making sense of what eye cosmetics to wear is one of the greatest everyday morning choices we make (alongside choosing…

If you are one of the many women out there that daily enjoys a delicious cup of Joe, then the…

Hello beautiful! Whether you are a college going person or a working woman, these natural homemade beauty tips for women…

Nowadays, it is easier to find help with your makeup looks than ever before. This is because there are numerous…

Healthy-looking skin is a desire that all we women suffer from! Such is our madness that we try every product…