How to Groom Your Horse in 7 Steps

Grooming is an activity which is pleasing for both you and your horse. Also, it is a good chance to examine for injuries and irritations. Make sure you make grooming a daily routine. It’s an absolute must before riding your horse. Have your grooming equipments arranged in a secure convenient place. A broad pail could possibly be least expensive and easiest to put your brushes in, though there are various grooming boxes on the market that keep your tools organized and handy.

Here are the things you will be needing in grooming your horse: a curry comb or grooming mitt, a body brush with fairly stiff bristles, mane and tail comb, a fine soft bristled finishing brush, a hoof pick and a clean sponge or soft cloth. It would be great if you have grooming spray, it can give protection from the sun as well as add shine to your horse’s coat. Hoof cream if suggested by your farrier and scissors or clippers.

1) Clean out all 4 hooves and search for indications of injury or problems. Draw the hoof pick back to front to clean out throughout the frog. Take note of any splits in the wall of the hoof so you can talk to your farrier as to what should be done. Carefully place the foot down on the ground and proceed till all 4 feet are done.

2) Make use of the curry comb or grooming mitt to disengage the dust in your horse’s hair coat. Use strong round sweeps, being gentle over bony spots like shoulders, hips and legs. Most horses are receptive about having their bellies and between the back legs brushed. Be careful over these zones to use just a light contact. A few horses are much more delicate skinned than others thus adjust the pressure given on the brush according to what they seem to appreciate. If the horse reacts by laying back his ears, or swishing his tail in frustration, he is telling you that the brushing is too brisk. In addition to currying you’ll be searching for any skin lesions or wounds.

3) Hold your position to the side while lightly brushing or combing through your horse’s tail. Move section by section, working your way up from the bottom part, brushing downwards a couple of inches each time. A grooming spray that detangles hair would be nice to have, and helps make brushing out the long stands easier while cleaning, shining and shielding the hair.

4) Brush away the remaining dirt in the course of currying with a firm bristled dandy or body brush. The body brush is more ideal for clearing the dirt off the legs as opposed to curry comb. This is a good time for you to check for lesions on the skin and other skin irritations on the legs, knees, and pasterns.

5) The finishing brush helps make your horse’s coat sleek and also shiny. It also erases the last traces of dirt and grime. Use long sweeping strokes over the whole body and wide regions of the face.

6) Examine your horse’s eyes. A little bit of tearing at the corner of each eye is not really rare, but write down excess tearing, inflammation, or bloating. Clean round the dock and tail head. Check the ears for stuck seed heads or dirt.

7) Last of all, put on hoof cream to safeguard and also hydrate the horse’s hooves if it is highly recommended by your farrier. Apply fly spray or perhaps sun screen if conditions call for.