Cancer is the second-driving cause for death in the United States. In 2015, cancer ended the lives of 595,930 individuals,…

The vast majority of people, would agree, we have experienced an unfortunate, horrific, public health crisis, because of this pandemic,…

SIMPLE DAILY HABITS FOR HEALTH, FITNESS AND WELLNESS (70 OF THEM!) One of the biggest road blocks that people tell…

If mental well-being is to flourish healthily, maximally and spiritually, particularly depression during COVID, then our mental paradigms need adapting…

Abstract The detrimental side effects of tattoos are known, but are often being ignored. Many just assume that tattooing is…

When it comes to makeup, every girl, regardless of what her age is, gets confused between a number of products…

Hair and Skin care tips for Holi Holi is a highly anticipated festival in India. The festival of colors is…

To have a bright smile, of course, it is inseparable from a set of white and straight teeth. While everyone…

Most commonly, prosthodontist include removable dentures. It is common for removable dentures that the teeth of the elderly are basically…