Australian promotions are often underrated in Australia for their quality and content. Australia actually produces a lot of major brands known around the world, and the promotional process is the main reason they’re so well known. As a matter of fact, the “Australianization” of promotions has created a lot of major brand identities. Promotional products have been many and varied. From shrimps on barbies to Ugg boots, Fosters, Vegemite and Lexus cars, there is s a history of Australian products which have become household identities through promotion.

All things Australian- Promotional products that keep on selling

Australian promotions are very much lifestyle-based. The big names in Australian products are all linked to living-well in the true Australian sense. The famous brand name Eskies, for example, is a major promotional product. Any such product, to do with sport, all accessories, and any promotional image related to the iconic Australian sports, sells out.

The Australian image- A natural association in promotions

The appeal is in the association with lifestyle values. Australian products like Australian beers and foods all use promotional products in some form to advertise. This is a strong marketing relationship in which the Australian element is heavily featured. This is a sort of “two way branding”, in which the promotional product reflects the recipient’s values. The Fosters T shirt is considered Australian, as much as any sort of product promotion.

The commercial promotion approach

Promotional products are big business in Australia. A promotion company can order a whole suite of customized items online from major Australian suppliers, and set up a complete targeted promotional campaign easily. This flexibility in supply of promotional materials gives a lot of space for very effective creative marketing.

The unforgettable promotional products

Promotional advertising, marketing merchandising and promotional giveaways often combine to form unforgettable product identities:

Come on Aussie- This hook line created a huge range of promotional materials, everything from T shirts to songs, which then operated as strong selling material for promotion of both the campaign and the products.

The Boxing Kangaroo- The only kangaroo image which has persisted in Australian marketing other than QANTAS, the Boxing Kangaroo is a staple of the sports industry promotional materials.

Kids images- The Wiggles and Bananas in Pajamas are immovable and enduring fixtures on international kids promotions.

Australian Made- The distinctive logo has now been in service for decades, and is still actively

These iconic products are a good example of how promotional ideas translate into extremely strong promotional merchandise.

The most effective marketing combinations of Australian products all involve:

  • Strong brand presence creation
  • Good advertising materials tailored to the market
  • Good hook lines
  • A wide range of promotional product options based on the advertising

The range of promotional options is defined across market segments by the brand’s market identity. This branding approach is particularly useful for business promotional concepts where a specific market segment is being targeted. Creative marketing concepts really are the key to successful creative promotional methods.